25 Days of Gratitude: Question 7 (Hugs Are So Important)

Today's question is "Who was the last person you hugged?" 

Answer: A student. I must say I probably hug and/or am hugged by someone at least every two weeks. 

When I am hugged by someone or hug someone I am reminded about the "power of a hug". It lets us know that we are seen by others or care for by others. It is the one of the top three gifts that you can give another person, in addition to the following: a smile and your time. 

Just Saturday, during my last Girl Scouts meeting of the year I was hugged by several of the girls, upon arrival and departure. It reminds me that they look forward to our meetings and that the service that we provide for these girls is one that is needed. 

So now I ask you? When is the last time you hugged someone? 


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