25 Days of Gratitude: Question 1 (Animals Impact on My Life)

From December 1st through 25th, I have decided to write about gratitude topics using prompts from http://www.positivelypresent.com/2015/11/75-gratitude-prompts.html

Here is my answer to Question 11: Which animals have positively impacted your life?

Throughout my life, I have always loved animals. From a young child, my parents exposed me to pets. Our first pet was a small dog. Although I was too young to remember him, I do remember the countless animals that have impacted my life (birds, small rodents, fish, dogs, and cats).

I believe two species from the animal kingdom have had the greatest impact on my life: birds and cats. As a morning person, I have always enjoyed being awoken by birdsong and the playful nature of birds in the morning. For me birds signify freedom. They are fearless and provide extended life for humans with the beauty and their ability to keep things in balance, such as taking care of things that die. I love all types of birds including vultures. I am a particular fan of raptors including owls, eagles, and hawks. Fortunately throughout my life I have had several encounters with all three.

My other favorite animal is a cat. Domestic and wild. For me, they are the most precious creatures on earth. Not only do they have to ability to bond with humans, they extend our life by reducing our stress and provide great entertainment for anyone who will take the time to observe them in their natural and/or domestic environment. It saddens me that many species of wild cats have gone extinct and/or on the verge.

These two also are the two animals that I cannot live without!


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