Wake-Up Calls: Do You Listen?

8 Wake-Up Calls You Need to Receive

The above article reminds me of the importance of wake-up calls. As I continue to reflect on my transition into my 40's I am finding that I am thinking about those that were lost during the past four decades of my life. 

Over my life I have had learn lesson 1 repeatedly. During the past for decades I have had seen many die YOUNG. When I was a child, I lost two friends, Robert and Milton. Both deaths affected me greatly. They taught me that death will come and no one is immune. Fast-forward a decade; I learned what it meant to lose a pet, our family dog. His death too was tragic for he was very sick and there was nothing we could do to comfort him. 

Fast forward a decade and a half, I lost my mother at age 57, my director died a month and half earlier, and my friend, Dawn's mother died as well that year (2007). At this point, I thought I was becoming an expert in death. 

Five years later, my friend Colin at age 38 lost his battle with cancer and my Uncle, Tab died 10 days apart. 

I know view illnesses and deaths of others as a HUGE wake-up call. They are reminders of our mortality and reminds us the importance of living every day as if it were your last. This means that you strive to achieve your goals, that you say I love yous, and that you treat everyone who you meet with kindness. 

Because in death or when it is your time you can only hope that someone will return the favor. 

I am comforted though that two of deaths taught me that HEAVEN does exist. My mother and Colin looked very much the same in death. There vitals towards the end were almost identical, but more importantly the image of them that I was left with was PEACE. They both looked like they were no longer in pain and at rest. It is an image that I never forget and that I hope to see each time I have to say goodbye to a love one. 

Cherish your life and never take it for granted. We all were placed on this earth to do great things-some on a small scale, others on a large scale. 


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