Cherie's Top Five Reboots for Life

The following is taken from Reboot Your Life: 20 Mental Barriers You Should Let Go Of
From the list, 5 stood out as most important for me: 
Let go of Negative thinking: Pessimistic thoughts and negative attitudes keep you locked in a dark aura that permeates in everything you do. It’s a dangerous line to follow. Know that thoughts influence the world around us. Enough said!
 Let go of self-criticism: Many times we are our biggest pain in the neck. We criticize ourselves with the best of intentions but then go over the acceptable limit. Criticism then turns to disempowering messages. Let go of it and be kind and gentle to yourself.
Let go of the need for others’ approval: We often tend to seek approval by others. This is an attention-seeking behaviour and one which threatens our self-confidence and authenticity.
 Let go of limiting beliefs: Most of our limits are self-imposed. Life doesn’t have defined limits. Our beliefs do. Learn to identify those beliefs which narrow down your possibilities for action and let go of them.
Let go of taking things too personally: Very often we are disturbed emotionally because we interpret people’s words and actions from a very subjective perspective. When we take things personally we get irritated, hurt and disappointed.  When you look at life from a more detached and objective point of view, we stay emotionally balanced and focused on our priorities.
Each of the five are things that I found were a must for me to learn as I progressed through my life and career. I have found that those who do not give up or work towards giving up these beliefs often have a life full of stress and heartache. Mastery of these fives truly helps us get closer to our true self and allows us to live a life of purpose.  


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