Play Works, Play Coaches, and Bringing Play Back!

One morning I listen to an NPR article called, "A Recess Coach for Kids?" 

As I listen to this and reflected on my own blessed childhood, I continue to ponder when and where did children forget how to play? As a child was able to have unstructured recess and engage in play creatively.

Over the past 20 years, we have created a whole group of children who no longer need to play. They possibly do need someone to intervene, a play coach, to re-teach them how to play during recess and play in general.

The question I have is does using a play coach solve the problems that led to children not being able to know how to play during recess or is it simply a Band-Aid on a larger issue?

Either way, we need to DO SOMETHING! We cannot allow students to grow into adulthood without learning how to play. Play allows a person to be creative, work through life problems, and relieve stress. 

If you are interested in the concept of Play Works is a link to their work: 


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