Joy Stealers: Are These Habits Lurking in Your Present Life

In an article entitled, 10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness, the author describes 10 habits we have that prevent us from being happy. I would like focus on three that resonate for me. 

1: Waiting for the perfect moment. There are no perfect moments in life. Opportunities often come when we least expect them and are not always wrapped in a neat bow. Meaning: Holding onto "If I only had...." statements will prevent you from achieving your goals and will always lead you to be disappointed in life. 

2: Working for nothing more than a paycheck. If you only work for a paycheck, you might as well contact AMC and apply for a position as one of the WALKING DEAD. Happiness is often found when we pursue our passions and share them with others. Paychecks are quickly spent and do not fill the void of happiness. 

3: Dwelling on difficulties. Difficulties in life are often the fuel for great change and can lead to renewed happiness. When we focus on what we do not have and not on what we do have, we tend be very negative which affects our overall health-physical and mental. It is best to see a difficulty as a challenge that can be overcome and is there to teach us a valuable lesson so that we can arrive at our own private oasis. 



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