Are You A Dream Stealer?: A Reflection of a TED Talk

Seth Godin has an excellent TED Talk called "Stealing Dreams". It is all about what is school is for and how many of us are currently preventing learning through our lack of ability to update our teaching style to the times and needs of our students. Dream stealers live and work in all types of communities and schools in this country. 

A dream stealer is one who only sees one perspective and unconsciously (sometimes consciously) stuffing their students into "box" that does not fit their needs. 

A dream stealer spends more time pointing out what is wrong than inspiring. 

A dream stealer values product over process. 

A dream stealer cannot see beyond the four walls of their classroom. 

A dream stealer fails to understand that we must continually educate ourselves if we want to provide our students with the best education possible. 

A dream stealer fears the unknown and is not willing to take a chance, let alone allow their students to do the same. 
The question is "Which one are you?" 


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