Resisting the Temptation of Groupthink and Embracing Your Inner Spirit

"But please remember, especially in these times of group-think and the right-on chorus, that no person is your friend (or kin) who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow and be perceived as fully blossomed as you were intended.  Or who belittles in any fashion the gifts you labour so to bring into the world."

The above quote is one of the most POWERFUL quotes I have ever read.  I stumbled upon it while reading a book on teacher leadership.  In today's climate, there is struggle that lies within every individual who strives to become and life out their true calling. 

This struggle involves resisting the temptation to engage in groupthink and embracing your God given right of being a person who is able to form their own opinions and be receptive to change.  As you break from the chains of groupthink, you emerge from the fog that has prevented you from seeing your horizon.  Once you walk towards your personal horizon you understand that passion and purposeful work trumps badges and/or bullets on your resume and you use your natural talents to help others and improve the world long after you leave it. 
A true friend or kin excepts this beauty, will challenge you when you are wrong but provide your with the a foundation when you are weak.  Those that demand your silence or try to foster cant's, won'ts, and impossibles are simply lost souls who have not discovered the beauty of helping another. 


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