Sassy Women Rise! A Tribute to Womanhood

In honor of Women's History Month, I felt that Maya's poem, "And Still I Rise" was an appropriate tribute to the spirit of women.  Over a woman's lifetime, she will experience approximately 82 sunrises, some more and some less.  Each sunrise provides a woman with the opportunity to be renewed.  Some are, and some never experience renewal. 

The women who do rise in spirit each sunrise live out this poem every day of their lives.  Sassy, smart, and sexy the renewed woman struts during day with her head high regardless of what trials and tribulations that are occurring in their life. 

At 85 years old, Maya Angelou is proof positive that as we age the following happens: 

We are able to overcome huge mountains with a sassy heart that knows in their heart that a woman's life matters. 


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