21 Days of Gratitude-Day 10 (My Childhood Friends from Cali)

March 21, 2014 

On this day, I am grateful for my childhood friends in California. Here is a post I originally posted on Facebook regarding how they impacted my life: 

Dear Childhood Friends and the state of California, 

On March 12th I made a decision to embark on a 21-Day Gratitude Challenge where I would write 21 people who have influenced my life greatly and let them know why. 

I am grateful for my childhood friends in California and the state of California presence in my life for the following reasons: 

1-For the wonderful childhood. I was blessed to live in California between the years of 1978 to 1985 and it is this period of my life that influence me the most. The overwhelming positive experiences I had during this time off set the trauma of having to watch my mother be hospitalized for bi-polar disorder. At no time in during this period and the times after did I feel different. My California years were filled with lots of sunshine and laughter. The childhood friends that I had in California were the best. Not only did we play well, we played hard. These years were filled with constant exploration, indoors and outdoors. I will always cherish the countless hours I spent in the home of the Huffakers and the fact that this is where I learned how to swim. Building forts in the garage and putting on dance shows in the front and back yard with my friends were priceless moments. As a child, I was very outgoing and very busy. As an adult after brief hiatus from this I have re-found my childlike spirit and continue to shine it through my work as an educator. It is because of great foundation I had in California that I am successful today! My childhood in California in conjunction with my time spent in Michigan truly laid the foundation for me to become a well adjusted adult who still takes time to smell the roses. 

2-The State of California and its Beauty. Last April, I had the pleasure of returning to California after 28 years. After a 7 hour delay at PHL I finally arrived in San Francisco. That night I was very fortunate to be able to have dinner with two of my childhood friends, Brian and Tracy Huffaker. I was blown away by the fact that not only had I not seen them in 28 years, this was the first time I was seeing them as adults in person. I was a very happy reunion. When awoke the following morning I was reminded what I missed as well about my childhood, the beauty of California. There is something about the middle of California that is magical. Nothing beats seeing the Pacific and the Golden Gate Bridge. My years in California taught me to appreciate nature and its wonders. I was fortunate to live in a valley, yet take numerous trips to the ocean and/or the mountains. My six grade camping trip to the Santa Cruz mountains was one where I learned I really love nature. California also is the place where I developed my love of birds as well. I am thankful that California has so much to offer those that are fortunate to visit and/or live it. But what I remember most of my trip back to Cali was how different it is from the East Coast. If I had my choice and I had not developed a fear of earthquakes, I probably would have moved back. I hope that my next reunion is lot shorter. 

Lastly, to all of my California friends, I just want to say THANK YOU. It is because of you and your parents that I did not become a statistic. My experiences with you are proof positive that when we are surrounded with loving and supportive relationships we can overcome any life challenge. I know if my mother was here she would definitely thank you for being there when she had to be hospitalized. 



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