21 Days of Gratitude-Day 11 (My Personal Black Panther a.k.a. Billy Bob)

March 22, 2014

Although my cat Billy Bob cannot read or write, he does deserve acknowledgement for how much he has blessed my life. Here is what I would tell him if he could read:

  • For all of the early morning wake up calls. Sometimes gentle, sometimes not so much. Either way you have made sure that I have a morning routine that happens 7 days a week! 
  • For the constant head butts and surveillance. I know for certain that you care for me deeply and need to have me in your eye constantly. 
  • For your ability deliver a love bite with breaking the skin and/or a slap to the face without leaving a mark. I know I deserve it sometimes! 
  • For greeting me each morning I return from a flight or after a long day at work! 
  • Lastly, for your ability to turn off my Netflix movie when it is time for me to go to bed!! 


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