
Showing posts from March, 2014

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 15 (27 Years)

March 26, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this person the following reasons: For 27 years of friendship.  For housing me during my rebellion years when I move from being a child to acting like an adult.  For taking care of her love one, when they needed it most. 

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 14 (Game Changers)

March 25, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this group of people the following reasons: The personal stories they share with me. Always gives me a glimpse into their souls.  The care they give the students they work with on a given day.  My many mothers. Need them especially since I am just shy of 7 years since my mother past.  The ability to discuss pedogogy, technology, and the future with them.  My office mate who I appreciate greatly for their dedication to what is right for students and his ability to talk freely about anything with me. 

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 13 (Quilt Maker)

March 24, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this friend for the following reasons: The beautiful quilts she made me that have proudly graced my apartment for almost two decades.  For her friendship over the years.  For her artistry. Great influence on the development of my creativity.  For allowing me to be apart of her special day. 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 12 (Unstoppable)

March 23, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this student for the following reasons: One of the most strongest women I have met next to my mother.  Always leads her life with positivity and smile despite the numerous life challenges.  Has an infectious laugh and smile. 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 11 (My Personal Black Panther a.k.a. Billy Bob)

March 22, 2014 Although my cat Billy Bob cannot read or write, he does deserve acknowledgement for how much he has blessed my life. Here is what I would tell him if he could read: For all of the early morning wake up calls. Sometimes gentle, sometimes not so much. Either way you have made sure that I have a morning routine that happens 7 days a week!  For the constant head butts and surveillance. I know for certain that you care for me deeply and need to have me in your eye constantly.  For your ability deliver a love bite with breaking the skin and/or a slap to the face without leaving a mark. I know I deserve it sometimes!  For greeting me each morning I return from a flight or after a long day at work!  Lastly, for your ability to turn off my Netflix movie when it is time for me to go to bed!! 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 10 (My Childhood Friends from Cali)

March 21, 2014  On this day, I am grateful for my childhood friends in California. Here is a post I originally posted on Facebook regarding how they impacted my life:  Dear Childhood Friends and the state of California,  On March 12th I made a decision to embark on a 21-Day Gratitude Challenge where I would write 21 people who have influenced my life greatly and let them know why.  I am grateful for my childhood friends in California and the state of California presence in my life for the following reasons:  1-For the wonderful childhood. I was blessed to live in California between the years of 1978 to 1985 and it is this period of my life that influence me the most. The overwhelming positive experiences I had during this time off set the trauma of having to watch my mother be hospitalized for bi-polar disorder. At no time in during this period and the times after did I feel different. My California years were filled with lots of sunshine and laughter. The childhoo

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 9 (My Living Hero)

March 20, 2014  Here is a letter of gratitude I wrote my father who is currently battling Parkinson's and lives in a nursing home: Dear Dad,  On March 12th I made a decision to embark on a 21-Day Gratitude Challenge where I would write 21 people who have influenced my life greatly and let them know why.  I am grateful for your presence in my life for the following reasons:  1-You have always protected both me and my brother from harm. Throughout our lifetime you have ensured with we had a safe place to live. We never had to live in a violent community and the places you chose for us to live have us the opportunity to be exposed to a diverse community. Because of this I have been able to adapt very well to many situations and it is all because of your decision to keep us safe.  2-You have always been a father that has been involved in my life. Never once did I feel that you were absent. This was a truly a blessing since many people I know have not been fortunate t

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 8 (PF Chang is Our Office)

March 19, 2014 For this day, I am grateful this friend and colleague for the following reasons: We always find time to meet at PF Chang to discuss ECE issues as well as what is going on in our lives.  She fights for teachers and high quality early childhood education and care.  She has been a great friend and colleague for over 10 years. 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 7 (My Big Brother who is Actually My Little Brother)

March 18, 2014 For this day, I am grateful for my brother for the following reasons: Although we have fought and played throughout our life, we still love each other.  The fact that he is a protector. On numerous occasions he has been protective of me.  The fact that he is a wonderful husband and father. So many men are not, but he is truly one that is a wonderful one!  The fact that he cares for my Billy Bob when I am gone on short trips!! I appreciate this greatly and so does my Billy! 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 6 (Friends for Life)

March 17, 2014 For this day, I am grateful for this female friend for the following reasons: For still being there for me during my mother's death despite the fact that she was dealing with the same thing at the same time. I am grateful that we both did not have to deal one of the most tramatic things to happen to a woman alone.  All of our excursions to go dancing in your twenties!  The fact that she is an artist and that she was one of many who inspired me to do the same.  A real person at heart. She has always remain true over our 22 year friendship.  The fact that she was part of my 3-Day training group that prepared me for my first 3-day.  The fact that she finally found someone that is treating her the way she should be!! 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 5 (Blue Eyes)

March 16, 2014 For this day I am grateful for this male friend for the following reasons: He is a survivor and one that taught me it hurts when a close friend is sick, particularly when you care for them deeply.  He was the first person to play Brian McKnight to me and I have loved his music ever since.  We are still friends, long after ending our romantic relationships and his ability to communicate has gotten better over the years.  He is intelligent, very!  His ice blue eyes are mesmerizing!  My walking buddy for Valley Green.  His voice is very unique, one you can never forget! 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 4 (Big Sister #2)

March 15, 2013 For this day I am grateful for this male friend for the following reasons: She's a Virgo, I am Gemini and we are a perfect match for a friendship between sisters.  She introduced me to an ex who had a tremendous influence on my life.  She was one of my ROCKS during all of my mother's hospitalizations and at the end of my mother's life.  She is my female friend who I can always count on for a good debate, laughter, and a snore (literally).  She is and has been apart of my cheer squad for the 3-day! 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 3 (My Buddy For All Things Historical)

March 14, 2013 For this day I am grateful for this male friend for the following reasons: His ability to have lively debates with me on current and past events.  His dedication to his friends in their darkest hours when they were dying.  Our long talks about just anything!  First man who taught me that men and women can be friends after a romatic relationship has ended. 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 2 (My Non-Blood Related Big Sister)

March 13, 2014 For this day I am writing about an individual that is like the Big Sister I never had. We may not be sisters in blood, but we are by spirit. On Day 2, this person blessed me in the following ways: Her ability to talk with me about anything and often for long periods of time.  Her ability to deliver constructive criticism in a powerful way.  Her ability to be true representation of a successful woman.  Her ability to embrace the natural side of beauty.  What she did for me in one of my darkest hours-the death of my mother.  

Sassy Women Rise! A Tribute to Womanhood

In honor of Women's History Month, I felt that Maya's poem, "And Still I Rise" was an appropriate tribute to the spirit of women.  Over a woman's lifetime, she will experience approximately 82 sunrises, some more and some less.  Each sunrise provides a woman with the opportunity to be renewed.  Some are, and some never experience renewal.  The women who do rise in spirit each sunrise live out this poem every day of their lives.  Sassy, smart, and sexy the renewed woman struts during day with her head high regardless of what trials and tribulations that are occurring in their life.  At 85 years old, Maya Angelou is proof positive that as we age the following happens:  We are able to overcome huge mountains with a sassy heart that knows in their heart that a woman's life matters. 

21 Days of Gratitude-Day 1 (Brief Moments in Time)

As I am officially at the mid point or slight beyond what is expected for a woman in terms of life expectancy, I have become more conscious of my mortality and the mortality of others. In conjunction with the ever changing life changes that occur for most people 40 and beyond I felt it was important that I take time to be grateful for those individuals that have blessed my life. So over the next 21 days, I will send 21 individuals a letter expressing my gratitude for the blessings that the gave me. Although I will not be sharing their names or the letters I will share each day the attributes that they possess that blessed my life. So here we go: Day 1-This person blessed me in the following ways: With their expressive eyes  With their ability to write well  With their ability to be candid in their speech  The brief moments we had over a two decades but were memorable ones Their kindness towards my mother when she was a dialysis patient Day 2-To Be Continue...... The sister