Thank You For Helping Me Beat The Beast

Today I learned that I passed my comprehensive exam for my PhD program. For the past 20 months, I have spend many nights with less sleep in a effort to write many research papers all while working full-time and for part of the time, two jobs. 

The past four weeks I spent researching and writing my responses to three research questions in an effort to pass my exam. 

The past 20 months have told me and reinforced something that I already knew but often tried not to believe: That impossible does not have to exist in your life. Although most things in life can be hard, they can be achieved with hard work, faith, and love. 

The past 10 years have taught me that we must block our inner negative critic and not succumb to its fury. Listening to it will prevent you from fulfilling your true destiny. External critics are necessary but do not have to define who you are. 

Lastly, although pursuing a PhD can feel like a lonely road, IT IS NOT. The road is filled with cheerleaders who stand along sidelines to encourage and celebrate your journey. Without them your success would not become a reality. 

I will be eternally grateful for my boyfriend, colleagues, family, and most importantly my students who held me in their hearts and encourage me to push through. 

This You Tube video definitely depicts what my heart is feeling is GRATITUDE! 


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