Make It Work! -Education Project Runway Style

Teaching Tips From Tim Gunn, Mentor on ‘Project Runway’ -

I love Mr. Gunn's mantra of "Make It Work". All too often in education we spend countless hours talking about why something cannot work in education, whether we are in a preschool classroom or on a college classroom. 

Making it work requires each member of a community to put faith in each other a make a conscious effort to not make excuses, support each other, and make sure that everyone has a chance at greatness. 

What struck me most if the advice Tim Gunn had for other teachers. In the article he said this: 

"Be a keen listener. I learned quickly that if the student’s perception is that you’re not listening to them, and not understanding them, they discredit you. We’re in this together. I want you to ascend." 

He is absolutely right-WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! There is not place for I or me in education, unless you are an infant or toddler (where it is developmentally appropriate to be egocentric). 

A teacher MUST listen to their students. Listen to what they say verbally and non-verbally. I am always telling my college students that I must know you to TEACH you. Luckily for me the understand that I much like Mr. Dunn. Teachers can make or break a student's motivation for learning, hopefully most choose to inspire greatness! 


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