Moments in Time-A Reflection

Within our lives resides "moments in time" that influence our being. Some negatively, some positively. Each moment is necessary to our development as person and should not be taken as chance. This week for me has been a hurricane of moments. Some expected and many unexpected. The unexpected ones were refreshing to my soul. The fact that I was blessed with several people having the courage to share their emotions and feelings freely with me and others sends a powerful message. 

The message is that we are still human. Although some may want to confine to their image of who they want us to be, when most desire to spread their wings. Most importantly this week I had the opportunity to reconnect with someone who I met long ago. It was very unexpected but welcomed! 

This is has been a week of filled with almost emotions-fear, anger, joy, and sadness but one that I will most likely never forget! 


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