
Showing posts from February, 2013

Dear Leaders (Regardless of Your Position): Do Not Make These Mistakes

Why You're Not A Leader - Forbes The above article provides some great examples of things that a leader (regardless of your level) should aspire to NOT do when working with others. I particularly like the following examples:  You don't care. This is a cardinal sin. A careless leader is useless leader. Leaders who do not care, have employees who do not care. If you want your employees to care about your organization you must care about their well being.  You're chasing a position and not a higher purpose . To lead is to serve, not yourself but others! When you are more concerned about a title you often lose sight of this and as result make lives of other miserable.  You put people in boxes. When we box people in, we stifle creativity. Without creative there is not growth for an organization. So if you want your organization to grow you must tear down the cage and realize that SLAVERY is OVER!  You follow rules instead of breaking them . Although rules are necessa

Moments in Time-A Reflection

Within our lives resides "moments in time" that influence our being. Some negatively, some positively. Each moment is necessary to our development as person and should not be taken as chance. This week for me has been a hurricane of moments. Some expected and many unexpected. The unexpected ones were refreshing to my soul. The fact that I was blessed with several people having the courage to share their emotions and feelings freely with me and others sends a powerful message.  The message is that we are still human. Although some may want to confine to their image of who they want us to be, when most desire to spread their wings. Most importantly this week I had the opportunity to reconnect with someone who I met long ago. It was very unexpected but welcomed!  This is has been a week of filled with almost emotions-fear, anger, joy, and sadness but one that I will most likely never forget! 


For my fellow PhDers, colleagues, and friends who are currently or planning to do something that is going to make them stretch. During my last residency this was the mantra I share with my fellow peers: Anything we will experience is TEMPORARY. The only thing that is not is DEATH and I do not plan on doing that any time too soon! So when you feel defeated use these videos to shock you back to reality.  I listen to them a many night when I though, "Would it be better or easier to just QUIT". Then I realize that quitters live a life of regret, and is far more painful than the original pain you would have to endure. 

Thank You For Helping Me Beat The Beast

Today I learned that I passed my comprehensive exam for my PhD program. For the past 20 months, I have spend many nights with less sleep in a effort to write many research papers all while working full-time and for part of the time, two jobs.  The past four weeks I spent researching and writing my responses to three research questions in an effort to pass my exam.  The past 20 months have told me and reinforced something that I already knew but often tried not to believe: That impossible does not have to exist in your life. Although most things in life can be hard, they can be achieved with hard work, faith, and love.  The past 10 years have taught me that we must block our inner negative critic and not succumb to its fury. Listening to it will prevent you from fulfilling your true destiny. External critics are necessary but do not have to define who you are.  Lastly, although pursuing a PhD can feel like a lonely road, IT IS NOT. The road is filled with cheerleaders who stand

The Habits That Make You Strong

8 Daily Habits that Will Make You Stronger There is a fine line between the strong and the weak. It has nothing to do with strength. Attitude is EVERYTHING! Our attitude can influence whether we take a positive and/or negative path in life. It is the difference between pushing through or folding when times get tough.  I am reminded by mother's legacy of how we can be strong even in the darkest of times. Mark and Angel provide some key habits we all should adopt if we want to up our strength quotient. The two the resonate with me are the following:  Nurture your self-worth. Lack of self esteem can stop you right in your tracks and often will lead a person to float through life with a damaged heart. Self-worth must come from within. We cannot obtain it through things or living the life of another.  Chat with people who see things differently. I LOVE A GOOD DEBATE!! Often people are afraid to talk with someone who does not share their views, but how are we ever to expand our

Mystic Living: Do You Live By Your Choice or the Choice of Another?

Lead Your Life Like an Everyday Mystic « Positively Positive In the above article, the author talks about living your life like an everyday mystic. They suggest the following four things a person should do to make this happen:  Pursue a Vocation, Not a "Job". Life is not complete when working in a job that does not add meaning to your life. Seeking a vocation allows us to freely give the world the gifts that lie within us.  Know Yourself. Lack of self knowledge often makes us make decisions that can adversely affect our life and the lives of others as well.  Think Beyond Confined Constructs. Narrow thinking can be toxic. It prevents us from doing what is best for ourselves and others. Growth as a person cannot exist when we are trapped in a box.  Create a Network of People for Moral Support and Feedback. The network we seek must be of honest thought. The network must include people who will tells us when we are right and wrong. 

Do You Stifle or Inspire?

"Everyone is capable of being original, inspiring and connected, at least once. And everyone is capable of leading, yes, even more than once." -Seth Godin  I love how Godin mentions how leadership resides in all of us, unfortunately, many stifle this with a pyramid approach to living: only a few are allowed to make decisions. When we stifle another person's capacity to lead, we send them the message that we do not value their thoughts and opinions. The message sent says, "There are insignificant." If you want to see a person thrive, trust them to step up to the  plate and take the lead. In order for any organization to thrive, you must have leaders at all levels. Leadership through a few often fails and creates a rocky road for most! 

Shelter from the Storm - A Student is a Human Being

Shelter from the Storm on Vimeo This week I was blessed to read very personal papers from my students regarding diversity and their childhoods. This video and their stories reminds me of the great diversity a teacher will see in their classroom; and the heavy burden we have to make sure we are reaching each student, regardless of their age in some way. I am thankful that my students feel comfortable sharing their stories with me for it helps me understand them, therefore, making it easier for me to TEACH them.  Word to the Wise: A student is a human being, a full package, that needs encouragement and support. They are more than number, teaching academics is not enough! We must help them live a life worth living!  No student-child, teen, or adult should have to feel like they are in a tornado while attending school.  If we fail to prove our students with the skills that will help them thrive as human being, not just one who can take a test; we sentence them to a life not wor

Make It Work! -Education Project Runway Style

T eaching Tips From Tim Gunn, Mentor on ‘Project Runway’ - I love Mr. Gunn's mantra of "Make It Work". All too often in education we spend countless hours talking about why something cannot work in education, whether we are in a preschool classroom or on a college classroom.  Making it work requires each member of a community to put faith in each other a make a conscious effort to not make excuses, support each other, and make sure that everyone has a chance at greatness.  What struck me most if the advice Tim Gunn had for other teachers. In the article he said this:  " Be a keen listener. I learned quickly that if the student’s perception is that you’re not listening to them, and not understanding them, they discredit you. We’re in this together. I want you to ascend."  He is absolutely right- WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! There is not place for I or me in education, unless you are an infant or toddler (where it is developmentally appropr

Connect 2 Happiness: Part 2- Better Food, Better Mood

In the Connect 2 Happiness challenge they recommend the following concept: "Better food, better mood." As the old saying says, "You are what you eat". During the past four weeks I have been working on my comprehensive exam for my PhD program and have found what Connect 2 Happiness said to be true.  During this very stressful time my body craved junk, but my mind craved fuel. The mind fortunately won the battle. Resulting in sustained energy, lower weight (because I was eating healthier I did about five pounds), and improved sleep. Although I will never be cheeseburger free, I am trying to improve my diet so I can live an additional 60 years (I will be 40 this year).  Source:

Connect 2 Happiness-Part 1-Stop. Look. Listen

Today I decided to take the challenge for making happiness a daily part of your life. I have had my moments of not being happy but in the past few years I have reconnected with my inner happiness soul.  Connect 2 Happiness recommended that answer these three questions, so here I go:  What makes you happy? Helping another succeed in life. As I have generally been internally motivated, I have made it my mission in life to pay it forward and make the life of other human being better. This is way I teach, mentor, and council others on a daily basis.  What are you passionate about? LEARNING. I love learning new things, sharing what I have learned and discussing what I have learned. I spend a good portion of my day reading something that would expand my view of life, particularly education. I am passionate about taking time to be with nature. I am bird and animal watcher and I enjoy taking photos of nature.  How Can You Bring More of That (what is above) to your life? I am doing it

6 Figure Payouts? How Does This Happen?

I-Team: Supposedly Strapped For Cash Philadelphia School District Paying Out Big Checks To Workers « CBS Philly How is this happening? I am a teacher and would never expect that I should be entitled to a six figure payout for sick, vacation, and personal sick time if was working in a district that does not have enough funds to run their schools. A district that year after year is in the  RED . A district that is shutting down schools at the end of this year to CUT FUNDS. So how do you explain 161,000 dollar check given to a school employee. That is three teacher salaries in some districts, and five in others. It's time that children and students needs come FIRST!