
Showing posts from 2011

The House Is Burning!

Seth's Blog: Firemen, donuts and meetings Reading this one reminded me of how much I loath meeting were real discussion and decision-making are ABSENT! It's very true, we need to ALL participate, take responsibility, and actively participate in the process. If we all look at it from the perspective of "the house is burning", I am sure we would have less meaningless meetings.

Why Are We Failing Students I saw this article today on Mindshift about whether or not we should be giving students formal instruction in computer science. We are not, which really doesn't make any sense. Full knowledge of how to use a computer effectively-beyond email, blogging, and Facebook, is needed if we want children to become successful as adults. Almost everything we do is tied to computer. It is naive to think that just because a student has access to computer in the home or at school that they actually know how it works. Computers have been around in some schools for a good portion of my life (I am near 40 years old) and it makes no sense that we are sending students to college and/or the workforce and they do not know how to use the most basic software, Microsoft Word, let alone PowerPoint. Because the influx of technology, much of what we do in terms of research is done virtually and students need to learn how to access

Six R's of Learning Very interesting blog. Especially since all three lead to success in life and the workplace. When a person is not resilient , they are quicker to not follow-through, quick, or become frustrated with things that can be achieved with a few adjustments in attitude and perspective. When a person is responsible , the understand that their failure to act does effect others and that it is crucial that they do their best. Whether it be in the workplace, on the street, financially, or raising a child. When a person is resourceful , they actively seek alternatives to getting something done when the normal route is not available. When a

The Wounded Healer

I was reading a book tonight called "Wounded by School" and discovered a lovely quote about being wounded. Kind of reminds me of my mother many others and myself I know who struggle each day with things that make them "wounded". Thought I share this one: "Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not "How can we hide our wounds?" so we don't have to be embarrassed but "How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers. Our own experience with loneliness, depression, and fear can become a gift for others, especially when we have received good care. As long as our wounds are open and bleeding, we scare others away. But after someone has carefully tended to our wounds, they no longer frighten us or others. When we experienc

Opportunities to Give Back

Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.- Barbara Bush Something to think about this holiday season. Blessings often occur when we are in the mist of giving to a total stranger or a friend. I cannot tell you how many times I have been blessed when another has step outside themselves to make my day a little better. I hope to return the favor this holiday season to a total stranger. "Paying It Forward" is must in life. When we don't we only limit our own joy, happiness, and blessings. Reminds me so much of when I would often visit my mother in hospital (mental and ICU) setting and now my father in the nursing home only to find there were people there who were forgotten by their love ones. This holiday season we should try to brighten the day for another who no connection to us. You will be surprised by what you get in return.

No Regrets

I do not regret one moment of my life. Lillie Langtry Read more: Absolutely true because every good, bad, and in-between experience has influenced who you are and who you will become. Without all three we cannot truly appreciate life. All too often we spend countless hours re-living experiences we wished we could change. Doing so only causes us grief and the appreciation of these events line the "road to happiness and success". So don't sweat it, reflect, and move on!

Is Being a Loner a Good Thing? Just finished Party of One by Anneli Rufus and found it to be a very interesting read. As a person who falls somewhere between a nonloner and loner, I could appreciate the definitions and depictions of what being a loner truly is. All to often we limited to something that is negative, not realizing that many of us desire to have a little loner in us. The debunks many theories of who are typically loners (mentally ill, serial killers, gunman, etc.) and provides those who choose to live a full or partial loner life style anthem of strength and acceptance. I could appreciated how the book talked what happens when we conform to general thoughts that go against who we truly: misery versus happiness. So for all who like myself enjoy being social during the day and having there solitary peace as well, this book is for you. So the next time someone ask you don't you want to get married, have a baby, get a roomate, etc.; simply know that you are making

Reviews of We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel by Lionel Shriver (ISBN:1582432678) | weRead

Reviews of We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel by Lionel Shriver (ISBN:1582432678) | weRead Just finished this one after many months of trying to read. I must say it a powerful book that makes you wonder where the true evil lies or whether it even exist. The question you have to answer was the son evil from the start or was it the sense of evil in the mother that lead to that fateful day. I say it is a combination of both-a sad thought at that. Either way if you read it will get you thinking, which is the whole point of reading anyway!

Two Years of Kindergarten? What a beautiful thought! All too often children who turn 5 between September 1 and December 1 are left in preschool. Ultimately they end up becoming bored mid-year which leads to frustration. This can lead the endless cycle of boredom-frustration-behavioral problem, etc. Maybe this will be come national trend and trend in PA as well. Cherie

Cash for Grades!

h ttp:// What's wrong with this picture? What ever happened to old fashion intrinsic motivation. Getting good grades is something any student should strive to do regardless of whether or not their is an award. Giving teachers cash for the very same thing is troubling as well.

Keyboarding in Kindergarten???? Thank you, Rae for writing this one!!!! I agree-NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO! Little Kindergarteners DO NOT have the attention span nor is it necessary to have them learn how to type aka keyboard in Kindergarten. When they are a mature age, they can learn keyboarding skills fairly well over time and with practice. Can someone please stop the madness of pushing everything down to the age where children should be learning how to socialize, problem solve, cope with their emotions and the emotions of others! Skills that many students are lacking today because they did not PLAY enough!!! Thank God I was a child during the 70's and 80's!

Virtual Book Club: Swinging Pendulum

L ooking for members for a book club that will start in December. We are a group of ECE educators, directors, and professors who will discuss the book Swinging Pendulums: Cautionary Tales for Early Childhood Education. swinging-pendulum-book-club Would love to have members from all of the country and the world to diversify our discussions. If interested please request an invite. The book can be purchased through Redleaf Press.

Happy Face in the Workplace? Finally someone said this in an article: "Many organizations wrongly assume that employees dealing with things like stressful commutes or worrisome family problems can simply check their emotions at the door. Most can't." It's really impossible although we may try. Other great quotes: "Leaders and managers, meanwhile, can do their part by creating positive transitions for their teams at the start of the workday. They might, for example, hold a quick motivational gathering with staff members each morning, or send an e-mail to each employee with a positive thought, goal or feedback." Can you imagine if this really happened, what would be the impact? Lastly: "The manager who shows immediate frustration with an employee who arrives a few minutes late, for example, likely will exacerbate the person's bad mood, sending the employee into a negat

Sick Days Funny, I know longer have to worry about this. When I did it was my biggest pet peeve, probably since I rarely get sick. What interesting about this article is the tactics that people do to check up on the no-so sick. I would think the energy that you put in that would get you sick! Anyway, its better to just find yourself a job you love to do and you probably will be less likely to call in those not so sick days or at least be honest about your need for a break.

Reflection on Leaders Mistakes J ust finished reading this one! Great stuff! Some of my favorite quotes include: "Delegation means giving people the freedom to decide how jobs will be done." "The major players in any organization are like its stockholders: They should decide how it is done." "The one who does the job should decide how it is done." "The lifecycle of every organization seems to eventually move from passion to para lysis over time, and it is the pioneer spirit of a maverick that can save us." and my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE -"Don't allow your policies and procedures to stifle your brightest stars. Be flexible. Bend the rules if you believe that someone needs more space. Never be in bondage to your policy manual. Rules are made to be broken, principles are not." Gives you something to think about! I particularly like how the book ta

Taboos in the Workplace What a MAVERICK idea? Unfortunately most fear these and impose many policies that are difficult to enforce. Which means wasted energy playing the TABOO police and puts divide between staff. I will say if your job provides you with meaningful work, work that helps the affects many and give you the space and tools to make it work you probably will spend little time using this TABOOS at work since you will have much to do in terms of work during the day. I do like how the article talks about using some of the tools to TRULY network and connect with others. Too often we use them for mindless entertainment.

Most States Get an ‘F’ on Civil Rights Education | Teaching Tolerance

Most States Get an ‘F’ on Civil Rights Education | Teaching Tolerance

Alarming Education Fact!

Today I was reading an email I received from ASCD. Within an article listed in the email on "Schools as Guardians of Democracy" the following statistics were given: Less than one-third of our nation's 8th graders can identify the historical purpose of the Declaration of Independence. Fewer than one in five high school students are able to explain how citizen participation benefits democracy. And nearly 100 million U.S. citizens who were eligible to vote didn't exercise that right during the 2008 presidential election. This is extremely alarming to me. How do students go through 8 years of civil/American history and not know this fact. Why do high school students not know why they should vote, advocate for change, etc? What is ever sadder that in a population of 300 million, 100 million decided to say I do not care? Unfortunately, we are learning the hard way that who we vote for makes a difference. That the things we neglect to spend five minutes on to review eac

Survivors--Found by Joan Murray

Survivors--Found by Joan Murray

9/11 memorial song I'll See You Again Stevi Schmidt


A Survivor-A Reflection of 9-11

Every time I hear Stanley's story, I am reminded of the power of miracles. Listening to his story, makes me wonder are we ever truly aware when danger is near. This man looked at the Grim Reaper (a plane) right in the eye and won. If you don't believe in miracles you should listen to his story, it will make you believe! On this 10 year anniversary of 9-11 we all must take time to reflect and pay tribute to all that were lost that day. Cherie

Think Pink! Support the Susan Komen 3-Day Walk

O.K. Friends and Family: I am participating in the 3-day walk this year a crew member at Pit 2. Although, I will be working vs. walking, I would still like to raise some funds for the cause. Can we say 1500 or 150 people donate 10 dollars or if you are feeling generous donate more. This will be my 5th, I walked in four 3-day walks (2005, 2008, 2009, 2010). Please spread the word. You can donate at eriecrosbynumber5 Thanks in advance, Cherie :)

Supersized Buyouts for School Chiefs Scrutinized

Supersized Buyouts for School Chiefs Scrutinized

Good Neighbors

I just finished Good Neighbors by Ryan David Jahn , which is a fictionalized portrayal of the 1964 death of Kitty Genovese . The book provides you with a unique perspective of what "good neighbors" could possible be doing as a fellow neighbor is stabbed. Each of the neighbors have very different and real problems which prevent them from acting on the screams they hear during the middle of the night. Each neighbor believes someone else will call the police but no one does much like the true story of Genovese . It's sad to think that we would not act upon the screams of another. As a person, who has lived in the same apartment complex (3 different apts ) for the past 14 years, I always notice the in and outs of my neighbors. If I do not here them, I become concern; and will often act upon it. An example of this occurred about seven or eight years ago, when one of my neighbors, who usually made a tremendous amount of noise began to cough violently one night.

School superintendent gives up $800,000 in pay

School superintendent gives up $800,000 in pay

Inspirational Video Clip - Remember Who I Am


People come into your life for a reason


Ackerman Blames Her Departure on Political Missteps

Ackerman Blames Her Departure on Political Missteps These types of transactions should be OUTLAWED! It is unsettling to know that the Philadelphia School District was able to find the funds (905,000) to pay her to leave, when it was just a few short months ago they were saying they would have a 600,000+ budget shortfall as a result of the cuts to the PA education budget. It is time that we revisit how contracts for sups are made and how much they are paid. Especially in a district where the is inequality in schools.