Is Being a Loner a Good Thing?

Just finished Party of One by Anneli Rufus and found it to be a very interesting read. As a person who falls somewhere between a nonloner and loner, I could appreciate the definitions and depictions of what being a loner truly is. All to often we limited to something that is negative, not realizing that many of us desire to have a little loner in us. The debunks many theories of who are typically loners (mentally ill, serial killers, gunman, etc.) and provides those who choose to live a full or partial loner life style anthem of strength and acceptance.

I could appreciated how the book talked what happens when we conform to general thoughts that go against who we truly: misery versus happiness.

So for all who like myself enjoy being social during the day and having there solitary peace as well, this book is for you.

So the next time someone ask you don't you want to get married, have a baby, get a roomate, etc.; simply know that you are making the right decision for YOURSELF and do not have to conform to the decisions that others expect of you.


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