Reflection on Leaders Mistakes

Just finished reading this one! Great stuff! Some of my favorite quotes include:
  • "Delegation means giving people the freedom to decide how jobs will be done."
  • "The major players in any organization are like its stockholders: They should decide how it is done." "The one who does the job should decide how it is done."
  • "The lifecycle of every organization seems to eventually move from passion to paralysis over time, and it is the pioneer spirit of a maverick that can save us."
  • and my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE-"Don't allow your policies and procedures to stifle your brightest stars. Be flexible. Bend the rules if you believe that someone needs more space. Never be in bondage to your policy manual. Rules are made to be broken, principles are not."
Gives you something to think about!
I particularly like how the book takes about organizations and leaders making sure the reinvent themselves. All too often we hold to tradition like is the blood that flows through our veins all the while it is the tradition that is holding us back from our true potential and/or next phase. This is very true for educators. If we don't change, progress, and move on to what is waiting for us we become stale bread that will eventually get thrown out with the trash!


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