Teacher Pay? How much is enough?

How the Chicago Public School District Compares - Graphic - NYTimes.com

This was a very insightful article. While reading it I wondered the following:

How much are teacher's worth?
Can teacher's ever be paid for all they do?
How does pay in the US compare to salaries of teacher abroad?
How come teachers working in child care centers never included in this type of data or done so separately?

As a early childhood professor, who has worked as a child care director and Pre-K teacher, I find that I will NEVER be paid my worth! The rewards of teaching often keep the dedicated coming back time after time, but something has to give in this country. We need to find and create a system that pays teachers in all areas of the country adequately, including those working in child care. In addition, carrot awards work temporarily and will not fix the problems in education. We must as a SOCIETY own up that we all are part of the PROBLEM and stop the blame game.


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