Reading is Fundamental: A Teacher's Edition

Read your materials.

Turn off the television, unplug the phone, and just sit with your books, notes, and websites, and, as you read, jot simple comments and questions: “Key point.” “Needs a visual.” “Too easy?”

Hendricks, Shellee (Author). (2011). Notes on Teaching : A Short Guide to an Essential Skill.
     Retrieved from

As a an educator I understand the importance of reading on a daily basis. Educators should commit to reading something each day of the week, whether it is an educational blog, a book on a topic they are trying to learn more about and/or their favorite novel. In the digital age it is critical that educators model excellent reading habits to their students and colleagues. We should take time to read on and offline, visit our library-in person and virtually, and encourage our students to share what they have learned from their readings.

Reading and sharing go hand-in-hand! They both lead to collaboration and the expansion of knowledge.


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