10 Words to Live By-An Educator's Perspective

10 Words to Live By

The other evening I stumble across this great post by Mark and Angel Hack Life regarding 10 words to live by. I would like to give my interpretation from an educator's eyes. 

Positivity: A must have for anyone who educates another. A positive educator is one who sees hope where there is despair, sunshine when there is rain, and see potential in everyone they educate. When we see the positive in our students, whether adult and/or child, we are not limited by their less than desirable traits but inspired by their positive ones to provide them with the best education possible.  

Patience: Great educators must have patience with their students. We cannot engage in behavior that lessens the self-esteem of learner and must take time to get to know each of our students. 

Courage: Great educators who courageous are those that are willing to take risks for the students they teach. Courageous teachers think out of the box and do not feel limited by budget cuts and negative education rhetoric. When someone says it is not possible, they say "Why not?" 

Love: Great educators, who are committed to providing the best education possible their students, LOVE what they do, period! If you do not love your work, it is time to get out! 

Truth: Educators who believe in providing students, families, and their coworkers with the truth always share their authentic self. When we pretend to be what we are not, we are not only lying to ourselves but to those who we teach. 

Confession: Great educators accept that they do have flaws, own up to them and try to improve themselves. A great educator never believes that learning has an end point and understands the concept of being a lifelong learner. 

Appreciation: Great educators take the time to appreciate the colleagues, students, and families they serve. Without them, we would not exist. 

Responsibility: Great educators understand they have a huge responsibility to students and do not take this lightly. They understand that they can make or break a life and that their failures as an educator have long-term effects on students and society. 

Growth: Great educators know that in order for them to grow they must constantly fine-tune their craft. Whether they obtain an advance degree, participate in professional development and/or read the latest educational research. If we want our students to grow as learners, we must grow at learners ourselves. 

Persistence: No teaching day is the same. Some are great, some are awful! Some inspire us, some break us down! Our ability to persevere through life and work challenges helps us to move towards being a great educator. 


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