21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 18 (A Letter to My Mother-Guardian Angel)

March 29, 2014 

On this day I would have sent the following letter to my mother, who now graciously has wore a pair of angel wings for the past 6 and 1/2 years.

Dear Mom, 

Although you are physically not her I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for having you in my life. You are my number one source of strength in the world. Your life taught me what truly matters in life. Because of you I live a life of joy and try diligently to fight the "Hawks of Negativity". Although this is challenging is it worth it since you taught me that time is truly precious. Often people choose to focus on very trivial things that in long run will have short affect on our lives. Your life was not that. Your struggles with bi-polar disorder and the numerous physical ailments taught me that strength resides in our faith in God and our ability to know that anything we face is temporary. 

Your generosity in spirit was infectious and because you and my father and because your influence I pay this forward to every human being I meet. 

I am thankful for all the years you provided me with guidance even in some of your darkest moments. Statistically I should have been drug addicted, depressed, and many other things a mother would not want for their daughter. But none of things happened. You taught me to respect myself, live proudly as woman, and work hard. Thank you for that! 

Lastly, I am grateful for the many gifts you gave to your family, my friends, and my sweetie. I was always remember the final words you gave him one week before your death and the beautiful letter you secretly sent him in August 2005 letting him know that you were glad that he was in my life.  



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