
Showing posts from April, 2014

Passionately Perseverance-The Heart of a Teacher

Within the dedicated teacher's heart lies, what Jon Bon Jovi says is the t hree P's: Passion + Persistence=Possibilities .  A dedicated teacher understands that must teach beyond STEM and help our students develop an understanding of the importance of incorporating the three P's into everything they do.  Jon Bon Jovi goes on further to say that, "Nothing is more important than passion.  No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.  The world doesn't need any more gray.”  This statement is right on target.  Every day on many social media channels, you hear many people professing their love for the gray and ignoring the beauty in life.  Over the past 40 years of my life, I have met countless people who have proven that the gray can be pushed out of your life even in the direst of circumstances.  Teachers have the power in conjunction with great parenting to build up a child's resilience in a child so that they become an adult who sees

The Power of a Teacher-Reflections of an Educator

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called the "truth.”  -Dan Rather  As we approach the month dedicated to teachers, I am reminded of the power of a teacher.  A great teacher is one that you never forget in spirit.  You may forget their name, but you will never forget the energy they gave you to give best.  All too often, you hear of teachers who do the opposite, those that burn rather than build.  The great ones are simply magical.  They meet you in your dreams and whisper to you, "Keep going!"  When defeat or failure is at your door, you hear thunderous roar-"Try again."  Although I cannot remember all of my teachers names, except one (Dr. Susan Miller), I do remember what they gave me.  They taught me to be compassionate with my students with a dose of truth.  They taught me that it is better to build up, than to tea

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 21 (My Number 1) & What I Learned During the Past 21 Days

April 1, 2014  For this day, I am grateful for my sweetie for the following reasons: His voice  His eyes and legs.  His ability to make me feel like the only person in the room! Always!  His intelligence  His support of my professional and academic endeavors.  His support during my mother's death.  His skills ......... (For our eyes only!)  His playful side.  The enormous amount of memories we have collected over our 10 year long distance relationship. The South Dakota trips was legendary one and our tour of the volcanic mountains of the Pacific Northwest was priceless. And who knew Omaha, Nebraska ROCKS!!!  My sweetie is definitely my soulmate who was sealed with approval with by mother in the beginning of our relationship and shortly before her death. I am truly blessed.  What did I learn over the past 21 days? We really need as human beings need to take time to tell those we love that we are grateful for their presence. All too often we take time for granted. I

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 20 (A Special Group of People)

March 31, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this group of people the following reasons: They are the mojo behind my unbridled amount of energy. The more I interact with them the more energy I get. Because of them I get to experience joy EVERY DAY!  Their abilities to share their joys, pains, and fears with me. As human being who needs to really know those I interact with I am thankful that they freely share with me.  When I challenge them, even though they may want to push back, they always step up to plate. Often surprising me.  For all of them who take responsibility for their PD outside of where they traditionally would find it. Just makes me scream "YES! YES! YES!" One of trademarks of a great human being is one who takes responsiblity for their own knowledge. 

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 19 (World Class Educator)

March 30, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this person the following reasons: Here committment to excellence. She was always honing her craft as a educator. A rarity during my career and I am grateful I know her. Always put her STUDENTS first!!!  Her friendship. One of the first people to accept me into my new job in 2007.   For all my hand me downs. I hate to shop but I love hand me downs! A good portion of my closet has been donated by her!  Her ability to spread joy. Here spirit is an infectious one and smile alway brings people together. 

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 18 (A Letter to My Mother-Guardian Angel)

March 29, 2014  On this day I would have sent the following letter to my mother, who now graciously has wore a pair of angel wings for the past 6 and 1/2 years. Dear Mom,  Although you are physically not her I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for having you in my life. You are my number one source of strength in the world. Your life taught me what truly matters in life. Because of you I live a life of joy and try diligently to fight the "Hawks of Negativity". Although this is challenging is it worth it since you taught me that time is truly precious. Often people choose to focus on very trivial things that in long run will have short affect on our lives. Your life was not that. Your struggles with bi-polar disorder and the numerous physical ailments taught me that strength resides in our faith in God and our ability to know that anything we face is temporary.  Your generosity in spirit was infectious and because you and my father and because your influence I pa

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 17 (Joy Maker)

March 28, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this person the following reasons: One of the strongest women I know. One who stood by their man his darkest hour and made sure her kids were o.k. during this time.  For her ability to make sure one of my close friends gets out of the HOUSE! 

21 Days of Gratitude-You Are On My List-Day 16 (Like Water)

March 27, 2014  For this day, I am grateful this person the following reasons: Their impact on the development of a healthy self image as a woman.  The constant laughter I experienced while in there presence.  The fact they were always there true self in my presence.