The Line-A Must See Documentary

Tonight I discovered a documentary that EVERY HUMAN being needs to see, called "The Line".

Watching this film reminded me of when my family lived on the line. A time when my father when from 80K to 0 in seconds. A time where my family had do move the Pike Hotel-a one room hotel room during part of my high school and/college years. A time when my family shopped for food at THE PANTRY. A time when my family lost all of our furniture and most of our family photos because we could no longer pay for the storage unit. A time where we wonder how long was this going last.

Even today my family members, friends, and myself have done the dance along THE LINE. Some of us are there now, some have moved a little beyond the line, and some have one foot one foot on and one foot off.

Poverty is this country is an epidemic and we must not ignore this and remember that we all can be the person who is living on that LINE. Poverty shortens a life and everyone deserves longevity.

I would encourage everyone to watch this video and to refrain from judging the poor because trust me they do not want to be there!


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