7 Lessons We Must Not Forget

Below is a list originally posted on Positively Positive-7 Lessons Learned from a 7 year old 

(My thoughts are in Red): 

1. Skip. Just Because. 

When was the last time you broke into a skip? Probably not for a long time, huh? It’s fun. Trust me.

Moral of the story: We should never forget the things that bring us joy and should seek to do them often. 

2. Don’t Believe Everything You Hear.

When tales of fifteen-year-old teachers ruled a car ride one day, I was reminded of the adage “there are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth.” The fact is that seven year olds are no less dishonest than their adult counterparts. My niece wasn’t lying; it was just that her frame of reference made fifteen the oldest possible age she could imagine for someone who didn’t look a hundred, and so that was the age she figured her teacher to be. Seven year olds just have a different frame of reference than their adult counterparts so that their truth is sometimes different from the objective truth. The same can be said for adults. Bottom line: don’t believe everything you hear from seven year olds (or thirty-seven year olds).

Moral of the story: Be careful of jumping the gun when making decisions, particularly since there is always two sides to any story and often both parties have a distorted view of the other's perspective. 

3. Do it. Now.

There is nothing like the impatience of a seven year old to show you the power of time. Don’t like what you’re doing? Stop. Find something you love. Do that. Time is precious. Don’t waste it being miserable.

Moral of the story: NEVER put aside your dreams. Our time is limited on this earth and we put off our pursuit for doing what we love, we may find that we will never find it due to our own doing. 

4. You Can Color Your World Any Way You Want.

Pick up a coloring book and crayons with a seven year old and see how they view the world. Pink zebras, polka-dotted pandas, orange oceans. Do you see the world with rose-colored glasses? You can if you choose.

Moral of the story: You are the commander of your ship! Your attitude affects all of your outcomes in life. It can be the difference between dying or surviving a difficult illness! 

5. Have a Dance Party.

In your room. By yourself. Maybe with your dog.

Moral of the story:You do not need a excuse to celebrate life. It is something that we should take time to do often. A little two step can go along way. 

6. Remember: You Have an Impact.

Your words and actions affect everyone around you. You may see it more profoundly in a child who mimics your habits, but a smile at the coffee shop holds just as much weight. Be positive. Be happy. Smile.

Moral of the story: Be careful of how you treat others. You have the power to move mountains for another or create a fire storm for them. As they say: "No man is an island", live accordingly. 

7. Do What You Love.

You never see a seven year old doing something they hate. They either find something else they want to do or find a way to make the things they “have” to do more fun. As my Dad always says, “find what you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Mackenzie’s got this one down pat. I just hope she doesn’t lose it!

Moral of the story: This is something that EVERYONE should aspire to do. Doing what we love makes us happier, healthier and generally a better person to be around! 


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