Why You MUST Simplify Your Life

In an article by Marc and Angel's Hack Life, 30 Simple Ways to Simplify Your life, the author describe 30 sure fire ways you can simplify your life. They provide a short and long list. 

From the short list, I find the following essential to simplifying your life: 

Identify what’s most important to you. -A must do. How can a person expect simplification in their life if they have no idea what they can live with and without. Often when we start creating this list, if we are honest with ourselves we usually will create a very short list! 

From the long list, I find the follow essential to simplifying your life: 

Resign from a commitment you’re not passionate about.-Something I have tried to live by for the past 10 years of my life and have found that is something that we should commit to doing. Otherwise, we lead a life of potential misery and will end up chasing a dream but never living it! 

Enjoy life’s simple pleasures.-Definitely self explanatory. Why would you not? 

Don’t worry too much about what other people think about you.-Worry leads to illness, illness leads to unhappiness, and unhappiness often leads to a premature DEATH. So we all need to work on lowering our worry meter if we want to live life fully. 

Pay off your credit card debt.-You made it, you pay it! Often what we by with our credit cards we do not need and the unpaid debt causes unnecessary stress in the long run. 

Make mistakes, learn from them, laugh about them, and move along.-Mistakes lead to growth, a necessary road we must take in life! 


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