What to Be a Human Being who ROCKS?

What to be a human being who ROCK? One who seems to persevere through life's most difficult challenges, adopt the 9 habits of super positive people. In a Marc and Angel Hack Life article the authors provide readers with insight on the impact of our perspectives on things and how they impact our life. 

In the article the author list 9 key habits to develop. Here is a list of them and my thoughts on them and how they help you live a fulfilled life: 

  1. Wake up every morning with the idea that something wonderful is possible today. Each morning I begin my day thinking that anything is possible. I do this by sending a good portion of my morning to reflect on my goals and read inspirational blogs and emails to start my day off on a positive foot! Never wake up dreading what is to come!  
  2. Celebrate your existence. Definitely a must. Each of us are placed on this planet to do something powerful. If we did not exist our impact could not be felt and someone or something would not be changed in a positive way simply because we have chosen to live our life fully and in a positive way. 
  3. Appreciate life’s perfect moments. If you never stop to smell, see, and hear those special moments in life you are definitely limiting the joy in your life. It's these moments that make life worth living. 
  4. Embrace life’s challenges. Challenges are necessary, unavoidable, build character and help you learn lesson  in life that you must learn to move on to the next level. 
  5. Become addicted to constant and never-ending self improvement. Once you stop wanting to educate, re-educate, and improve yourself you have signed a one way fast track ticket to a life of misery. 
  6. Live and breathe the truth. We must listen to our inner voice, they never lie. 
  7. Fill your own bucket. Live a life where your strength grows from intrinsic motivation. We we constantly need others to validate our existence, we tend to not be happy and are forever chasing something we will never catch. 
  8. Help the people around you smile. Frowning takes to much effort and leads to premature aging. A smile can melt the heart of any beast. 
  9. Spend time with positive people. Positive people keep your ship moving forward, negative ones sink it! 



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