Professional Capital-A Book Review

Professional Capital-Transforming Teaching in Every School by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan is one of the best educational books I have read in the past10 years. Professional Capital brings professionalism in the field of education to the forefront. The authors introduce the reader to the concept of professional capital and how teachers are at the heart of this type of capital. Competing views of teachers are discussed in great detail. Within the discussion of competing views, the authors discuss how business capital and professional capital differ in their views of teaching. 

In addition, the authors discuss the concept of "Teaching Like a Pro". The following excerpt from the book sums up what is the heart of being a pro in education: "Teaching like a pro is about improving as an individual, raising the performance of the team, and increasing quality across the whole profession" (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012, p. 23).

Stereotypes of teaching are discussed and debunked. 

The authors introduce and discuss in great detail the "Five Cs" teachers need to become highly effective: capability, commitment, career, culture, and contexts or conditions of teaching (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012, p. 46). 

In addition, the authors discuss the six stages teachers go through during their career and provide examples of how to engage in continual renewal and remain passionate about teaching. 

Later in the book the author introduce the three subsets of professional capital: human, social, and decisional capital. An emphasis on developing and understand professional culture is discussed including the concepts of individualism and collaborative cultures. 

To wrap-up the book, the authors provide teachers with 10 actions they need to take to truly "Teach like a Pro" and be a professional in the education field, including becoming a true pro and engaging in mindful teaching. Each of the ten are discussed in great detail. 

This is a book that should have permanent place in every school library and educators' personal book collection. It is one that if read in a group could spark thoughtful discussion about what professionalism is and how important teaching truly is.

The book can be purchased through Amazon and Teacher College Press.


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