Happiness Past 40

2013 will mark a huge milestone for me: I will turn 40. This video reminds me of a very fact that I have observed over the past decade, we do become happier or content with our lives as we age. I see this every time a speak with my aunt who has reached her "wisdom" years and seems quite content with live. 

It's amazing how the more you live, the more you survive, the more you overcome, the more happier you become. 

I am not fearful of my years beyond forty as as I get hold, I am embracing all that comes. I joke that every decade you get a new ailment to remind you of your age. This is true but you also gain one more year of wisdom. As we age we hopefully embrace change, handle disappointment gracefully, and understand that passion is necessary for long and fruitful life. 

I definitely will live my last year in my third decade on earth with grace and as I cross into the fourth I will do so with spunk, joy, and passion! 


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