The Pursuit of What Is Meaningful: Reflections of "The Anatomy of Meaningful Work

After reading Dr. Nico Rose's article entitled, "The Anatomy of Meaningful Work", I am reminded of two of the points he stressed in the article: one that meaningful work is not contigent on the type of work and comes from within. 

Looking back on the various types of work I have had since my first job at age 11, I am reminded of the running theme they have had for me: they were all meaningful and had a great purpose in my life and the life of others. Whether it is when I worked at WaWa and would spend hours in the fridge & freezer with my boss, Tony, putting away the days delivery or when I had worked with preschoolers with special needs. As person who has always enjoyed the concept of work, I understand deeply the importance of it being meaningful. My rule of thumb as always been to give 110% and to always work on honing your craft. 

Rose's article is one that all should read and play close attention to the seven components of meaningful work he list at the end of the article. They are reminder of what work should be and what we should desire to have in the work that we do each day. 

Because we spend a large time of our day working, it seems pointless to do something that is not meaningful. Regardless of it is your full-time job or part-time one you have supplement your income, both can be meaningful and probably should. 


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