The Impact of an Educator Does MATTER!

A Caring Professor May Be Key in How a Graduate Thrives - Administration - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The above article is a reminder of the impact one educator can have on the life of a learner, whether child or adult, the impact is tremendous.

In the current social climate many adult learners as well children lack role models that will help them thrive not only as a student but in their professional life.

I have seen the power of great educator and the power of less desired one.

Great educators have keen sense of seeing potential in their students and seeing beyond their rough exterior. They model what they want in their students and because of that the often get back what they give (outside the outliers).

Teaching comes with heavy burden. Although it is up to the learner to be willing to try and give their best and educator must never let their heart get harden by the changes in student behavior.


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