Why Do We Judge the Death of Another in a Negative Light?

This evening I posted the following on my Facebook page in a response to Paul Walker and his close friend's death this past Saturday. Since losing my mother in 2007 and having watch several friends lose love ones I am a little sensitive to how I few death and the cause of death of a person. Granted we do sometimes lay the foundation for death to come sooner or later but it is not necessary to speak negatively about person who has lost their life. Death is a traumatic event for those left behind, whether the know the person or not. For many that have experienced death long before they should have, a senseless death of some before their life expectancy can trigger the one thing that most of us never think about on a daily basis-our mortality.  Let's face it unless you dies of natural causes or were in a situation where another impacted your death, all of us will contribute to our death in some way. Let's just remember these two souls have parents, children, and love ones that cared about them deeply. They both were probably role models for countless people who admired them for their talents and zest for life. It is very sad when people resort to say I do not are about this they deserved it mentality. Kharma BITS and your words may come back to haunt you one day.

For me each death of a person that I admire or personally know that comes way too soon impact me simply because my heart has not harden to the world. It is what makes me human!

Facebook Post-December 2, 2013:


So interesting, particularly since I have talked with several people who think they were drag racing, going 100 miles a hour. They were going 30 miles over the speed limit when they hit the curve. I think if we are honest with ourselves that WE ALL have driven 30 miles over the speed limit on some road whether on the highway or a local road. It does not take much for a car that is going over the speed limit particularly on a curve to get into trouble. Add a hard to handle car and is can be a recipe of disaster. 

I cannot tell how many times on the PA roads where the speed limit dramatically changed and a person may or may not be paying attention to it. Hence my September 25 car accident where I was hit behind from another driver after coming down a hill where it is very easy to go over the speed limit and quickly come to an intersection where you needed to slow down. Hence my car was hit and thankfully I am still here. 

Or the time when Matt picked me up from the airport in Florida and a young woman hydroplaned, when into a violent spin, hit a concrete barrier, tip on her side (two wheels), landed facing us and was coming towards us! Luckily for Matt, the young lady, and I it was not our time to leave this word. 

So before we dismiss a death as they DESERVED IT, they contribute to it, let's realize this could happen to us or someone close to us. Moral of the Story: We all have an expiration date that is pre-determined. Some of us cheat death (despite our actions and behavior) and some of us do not. Hence my mother, who use to be like a cat with nine lives (beating many illnesses and situations that would have killed a lesser person) but unfortunately her lives ran out on November 3, 2007.

Why will I remember my 20 years of being a fan of Walker: Great looker, fantastic action actor, some surprising dramatic roles along the way, a man who decided to right his wrong of his youth and become a father to his daughter (some men and women never do), a person who decided to create a foundation to help victims of disasters. Yes he is not a vet, yes is not a normal person, but he is a human being who gave back, shared his gifts with others, and left a imprint on the world (foundation) that will live long after people have forgot who he was. For those who never knew of him too bad: I recommend the following films: Takers, The Lazurus Project, The Skulls, Flags of our Fathers, Into the Blue and of course the first Fast and the Furious! Check out his foundation too, http://www.roww.org/

Sorry for the preachiness but I get extremely annoyed when people say someone deserves what they got! Maybe true in some incidents but it really does no one good including ourselves to make statements about someone like them after their death. Just think if you make a mistake would you want your parents, children, or friends to have to here YOU DESERVE IT! Death will come for us sooner or later, but for the Walker and one of his best friend it came much too soon.


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