
Showing posts from December, 2013

My Mountain of Fear

On this cold December evening, my heart is rattled with fear. As PhD student who is embarking my journey of getting their dissertation proposal completed, I find myself struggling with fear.  Although I know this is part of the process and I will meet it several times along my journey; I am troubled by its power on me.  Fear can have positive and negative effects on your life. It can move you up the mountain or quickly down via a landslide.  The challenge is to manage that fear and use it for the great good. There are only four steps to facing your fear.  One-You must acknowledge it.  Two-You must face it.  Three-You must be patient.  Four-You must share your road to overcoming your fear with others .  So tonight, I acknowledge that I am rattled with fear and feel that I may have to start over if I cannot get the permissions I need to move forward. My inner, inner voice tells me; it will come, but my outer self says, "Be worried."  The p

How Deep Is Your Desire? (Do You Have The Guts)

Can you answer this question: "How deep is your desire to achieve your goals?". Desire is necessary if you want to succeed in life. Desire leads us to a path of discipline that helps use push through challenges along our road to victory. A person who possesses true desire understands that to achieve it, you must sacrifice something. You understand that no goal is achieved fully without internal motivation. The question we need to ask ourselves is "Are we letting our wishes, couldas, and shouldas affecting our ability to achieve our dreams?". We are all champions! Some of us just need to rekindle our own internal fire, dig deep, and accept the necessary changes we will need to make to make our dreams possible. For me I live my dream every day. Since childhood I have dreamed big! Some dreams have come true and some are in the works. The one thing I learned over my short 40 years is that you MUST commit and stop making excuses. A strong internal desire

Why Do We Judge the Death of Another in a Negative Light?

This evening I posted the following on my Facebook page in a response to Paul Walker and his close friend's death this past Saturday. Since losing my mother in 2007 and having watch several friends lose love ones I am a little sensitive to how I few death and the cause of death of a person. Granted we do sometimes lay the foundation for death to come sooner or later but it is not necessary to speak negatively about person who has lost their life. Death is a traumatic event for those left behind, whether the know the person or not. For many that have experienced death long before they should have, a senseless death of some before their life expectancy can trigger the one thing that most of us never think about on a daily basis-our mortality.  Let's face it unless you dies of natural causes or were in a situation where another impacted your death, all of us will contribute to our death in some way. Let's just remember these two souls have parents, children, and love ones that