Equality or Inequality-Which one do you support?

During a commencement speech at the University of Penn, Bono said the following words: 

"Every human life as equal worth." 

His commencement speech reminds us how in life we sometimes impede the process of equality for the human race.  This impediment often arrives in the form of the following: 
  • Not speaking up for the little guy. 
  • Playing the blame game and not taking ownership in our part of human problems such as poverty, lack of education, violence, etc. 
  • Failing to speak up before the crisis occurs. 
  • Engaging in unethical behavior simply to obtain the mighty dollar. 
  • Allowing the great divide between poverty and prosperity to widen.
  • Seeing people only as a number or a means to an end.
  • In addition, waiting to care about a human inequality until it happens to us.
In the 21st century has our access to technology has tripled; we often view the world in sound bites and react to in spurts.  More and more we fail to truly understand the importance of equality and its impact on humanity.  It is often said, “a team is only as strong as its weakest player,” if this were applied to current state of affairs in many communities throughout the world, it could be said that we are in a perpetual state of poverty-spiritually and economically.
We cannot discount the countless inequality that our planet and its non-human inhabitants face at the hands of human ignorance, such as global warming, animal abuse, and the destruction of natural habits for our non-human friends.  The time has come for us all to take attitude of servitude and spend more time relating and fighting for each others’ equality on a personal level than only doing do when the latest crisis is in full affect.


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