Driving Your Car

It’s on You « Positively Positive

This blog post on Positively Positive is a great reminder to us that we control or life (car). Much like the purchase of a car, you have some choice. You can choose your color, your price, where you want to buy, where you want to drive it, and how long you want to keep it. 

I love the three theme in this blog post as well: waking, looking, and using your voice. 

All too often many of us run through life, when we should be walking. Our mornings are filled with abrupt wake ups when we should take this time to slowly wake up to reflect on our goals for the day. Each day must start on a positive one if you want a positive and/or productive outcome. 

Self-entrapment and/or allowing yourself to remain in society's box of you only leads to unhappiness. Many goals in life are never achieve simply because we choose to stay in the box. 

The last theme is really self-explanatory: speak up not only when you feel something is not right but also when you agree with something as well. 


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