
Showing posts from May, 2013

Equality or Inequality-Which one do you support?

During a commencement speech at the University of Penn, Bono said the following words:  "Every human life as equal worth."  His commencement speech reminds us how in life we sometimes impede the process of equality for the human race.  This impediment often arrives in the form of the following:  Not speaking up for the little guy.  Playing the blame game and not taking ownership in our part of human problems such as poverty, lack of education, violence, etc.  Failing to speak up before the crisis occurs.  Engaging in unethical behavior simply to obtain the mighty dollar.  Allowing the great divide between poverty and prosperity to widen. Seeing people only as a number or a means to an end. In addition, waiting to care about a human inequality until it happens to us. In the 21 st century has our access to technology has tripled; we often view the world in sound bites and react to in spurts.  More and more we fail to truly understand the

A 40-Year-Old Checklist: Do You Know These Answers?

10 Questions You Should Know the Answers To The 10 questions listed in the above Marc and Angel blog post are truly 10 questions that by the time you are 40 years (technically 1/2 way through your life, for some) you should be able to answer many if not most of these question.  I believe the inability to answer at least 70% of these questions could lead to a unhappy and an unhealthy latter part of your life. Their questions are powerful and help a person understand what matters most in terms of how you feel about yourself and the legacy you will leave.  Most 40 years have yet to really think about what their legacy is, but should.  The question that resonates with me most is: "How can you make a positive difference?" For me, making a difference in the life of another, whether a person, animal, place or thing is one of the most powerful things you can do in life. It not only enriches the lives of others but it fuels your soul with positive energy and is something t

Driving Your Car

It’s on You « Positively Positive This blog post on Positively Positive is a great reminder to us that we control or life (car). Much like the purchase of a car, you have some choice. You can choose your color, your price, where you want to buy, where you want to drive it, and how long you want to keep it.  I love the three theme in this blog post as well: waking, looking, and using your voice.  All too often many of us run through life, when we should be walking. Our mornings are filled with abrupt wake ups when we should take this time to slowly wake up to reflect on our goals for the day. Each day must start on a positive one if you want a positive and/or productive outcome.  Self-entrapment and/or allowing yourself to remain in society's box of you only leads to unhappiness. Many goals in life are never achieve simply because we choose to stay in the box.  The last theme is really self-explanatory: speak up not only when you feel something is not right but also w