My Heart is Sacred: Protecting Your Heart So You Can Lead

Tonight I listen to Michael Hyatt's podcast: The Importance of the Leader's Heart and as I listen to it I realized how profound it was. Often as leaders we forget how important our heart is and how we need to protect it. Between 2006-2010 tremendous strain was placed on my heart. I found myself progressively going through cycles of burnout and losing my love for work. I learned three things during this period: 

1) My heart is stronger than I thought but it is not invincible. Although during a 5 year period I experience changes in my work, starting and completing a masters degree, dealing with a mother's illnesses, three deaths in 45 day period (boss, friend's mother, and my mother in 2007) I some how survived but had several warning signs that I had to change my outlook on life. During this period, I experienced frequently eye ticks, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and irritability. 

2) If my heart is unhealthy my ability to help others is diminished. Hyatt talks about how your heart affects the organizations you work with. Towards the end of this period I saw how as my heart became unhealthy my team no longer was positive and forward thinking. 

3) To protect your heart you sometimes have to leave. Hyatt talks about having "spiritual heart disease" in the podcast. I believe this is what I had. My open heart, which was normally giving and passionate was becoming filled with junk. In 2010, I made the decision a position as a program director in a child care center for higher education. I realized I had outgrown this part of my life and needed more. I needed a place where I could reconnect with people, help people meet their goals, and contribute to society in a positive way. This was the best thing I could do for my heart and it help reset it on a path to being healthy. 

I would definitely encourage everyone to listen to this podcast, it will help to determine whether or not your heart is healthy or unhealthy. 

Podcast link:


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