
Showing posts from December, 2011

The House Is Burning!

Seth's Blog: Firemen, donuts and meetings Reading this one reminded me of how much I loath meeting were real discussion and decision-making are ABSENT! It's very true, we need to ALL participate, take responsibility, and actively participate in the process. If we all look at it from the perspective of "the house is burning", I am sure we would have less meaningless meetings.

Why Are We Failing Students I saw this article today on Mindshift about whether or not we should be giving students formal instruction in computer science. We are not, which really doesn't make any sense. Full knowledge of how to use a computer effectively-beyond email, blogging, and Facebook, is needed if we want children to become successful as adults. Almost everything we do is tied to computer. It is naive to think that just because a student has access to computer in the home or at school that they actually know how it works. Computers have been around in some schools for a good portion of my life (I am near 40 years old) and it makes no sense that we are sending students to college and/or the workforce and they do not know how to use the most basic software, Microsoft Word, let alone PowerPoint. Because the influx of technology, much of what we do in terms of research is done virtually and students need to learn how to access

Six R's of Learning Very interesting blog. Especially since all three lead to success in life and the workplace. When a person is not resilient , they are quicker to not follow-through, quick, or become frustrated with things that can be achieved with a few adjustments in attitude and perspective. When a person is responsible , the understand that their failure to act does effect others and that it is crucial that they do their best. Whether it be in the workplace, on the street, financially, or raising a child. When a person is resourceful , they actively seek alternatives to getting something done when the normal route is not available. When a

The Wounded Healer

I was reading a book tonight called "Wounded by School" and discovered a lovely quote about being wounded. Kind of reminds me of my mother many others and myself I know who struggle each day with things that make them "wounded". Thought I share this one: "Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not "How can we hide our wounds?" so we don't have to be embarrassed but "How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers. Our own experience with loneliness, depression, and fear can become a gift for others, especially when we have received good care. As long as our wounds are open and bleeding, we scare others away. But after someone has carefully tended to our wounds, they no longer frighten us or others. When we experienc

Opportunities to Give Back

Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.- Barbara Bush Something to think about this holiday season. Blessings often occur when we are in the mist of giving to a total stranger or a friend. I cannot tell you how many times I have been blessed when another has step outside themselves to make my day a little better. I hope to return the favor this holiday season to a total stranger. "Paying It Forward" is must in life. When we don't we only limit our own joy, happiness, and blessings. Reminds me so much of when I would often visit my mother in hospital (mental and ICU) setting and now my father in the nursing home only to find there were people there who were forgotten by their love ones. This holiday season we should try to brighten the day for another who no connection to us. You will be surprised by what you get in return.