A Resilient Spirit Lives Forever: A Reflection of My Mother

Around this time ever year I am reminded that this is the week before my mother's life changed forever (October 3rd) and set in motion the things that would shorten her life and end it on November 3rd, 2007.

From time to time, I think about whether my mother thought her life mattered. Her 57 years was plagued with many days in the hospital, which for a physical illness or because of her bi-polar disorder.

Eight years from her death I can testify that it did matter, and her life taught me and other many lessons including:

  1. Despite your circumstance your can always find joy, even in your darkest hours. 
  2. Giving back is critical to your legacy. On your death bed will people remember you for a taker or giver. 
  3. Your life is defined by the quality of your relationships you have with others. 
  4. Always be a dreamer.
  5. Live in a way that your spirit lives well beyond your death. 
My mother's life and death taught me many things, but the one thing I learned is that our spirit lives on forever. Through her struggles in life, I learned how to be a resilient human being who finds joy in most things in life. 

I am thankful for the 57 years I was given with her and how her struggles impacted my choices in life tremendously. 

Thank you, Mom! I still miss you eight years out but I am passionately paying forward the gifts you bestowed upon me. 


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