
This evening I learned something that helped me put things into perspective and reminded me to continue to see the "bigger picture." Often in life we view life through the four corners of a box. Some boxes are small and others are big. 

The walls of the box allow us to only see two things: Our current situation or the past that trapped us there in the first place. They prevent us from seeing the future that is yet to arrive and may or may not be altered by our present situation. We can speculate what the future will be, but we truly will not know until it arrives.  

Also for each trouble, problems and/or situations we precieve to be a pressing problem, there is always another that will trump it. Or even worse we forget problems are truly situtations in the end. Situations that can resolved. 

The question is do we want to re-live these situations like a "Ground Hog Day"- one in which you resolve, only to have to resolve the situation with the same solution over and over again. 

One way to possible prevent this from occurring is to view the situation beyond the box and think about how it will impact the ocean that box is floating in the first place. 


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