
Showing posts from September, 2013

A Good Beginning........

The poem below epitomes why it is so important to start your workday on good foot. Your mood, spirit, and state of mind have the power to make significant change for you, your company, and the people you come into contact each day. And as the poem says it begins with YOU. Be in instrument of change verses one of destruction.  One song can spark a moment One flower can wake the dream One tree can start a forest One bird can herald spring One smile begins a friendship One handclasp lifts a soul One star can guide a ship at sea One word can frame the goal One vote can change a nation One laugh will conquer gloom One step must start each journey One hope will raise spirits One touch can show you care One voice can speak with wisdom One heart can know what’s true ONE LIFE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! That difference starts with you…. Unknown

Do You Have What It Takes To Persevere?

Perseverance is a skill that is necessary for our survival. It is the different between life and death. It is the skill that helps a person beat Cancer time after time. It is the skill that helps a person who lived a childhood of abuse survive and become one of the great leaders of the world.  It is the skill that helps you move your greatest challenges in life. Perseverance is born out of faith and hope that things get better. No matter how dark things may seem a person with perseverance rises to the occasion and comes out of the darkness into the light.  We must remember we have choices in life and that we must understand what lies on either side of the line. The question is what side do you want to be on? 

How To Love Your Life

The following quote epitomizes ways we can love our life:  You've got to dance like there's nobody watching,  Love like you’ll never be hurt,  Sing like their's nobody listening,  And live like it's heaven on earth.  -William W. Purkey  Line one: This line is all about being comfortable in own skin and being about to find joy first within ourselves.  Line two: This line is about forgiveness.  No matter what life brings always lead with a loving heart.  Leading with a fist only leads to misery.  Line three: This line is about doing good work and not expecting a reward.  Good deeds are inherently rewarded when we least expect it and often when we need it.  Line four: This line is about living life to fullest.  Taking time to smell the roses and see each rainbow everyday of your life, regardless of what life brings. 


In honor of the 12th Anniversary I would like to share my thoughts on that faithful day. September a time for anew but who knew it would be a time for tragedy. September 11 began a day that began ordinary and routine, but ended tragically. The event is one that one should never forget but many have forgotten the lost that occurred. On September 11, I was a 28 years old early intervention teacher. At the time, I did know that terrorism could occur on such a grand scale on US soil. I quickly learned shortly after the first tower was hit that that was not the case. All I could think when my colleague and friend, Cynthia came into the bathroom to tell me that plane had hit the trade towers was: this is not possible.  Sadly I learned that it was. All I could think was that WW3 had arrived and we needed to get these kids home to their parents. Luckily for us their parents came to them. As the days followed 9-11, I grew anger. Angry that we were not aware that this was a possibility.