Pure Path to Self-Destruction: Don't Do It!

8 Ways You’re Driving Yourself Crazy: Practical Tips for Productive Living

After reading this article on Marc and Angel Hack Life, I thought this is definitely a list that will lead to a person's self-destruction. 

Most discomfort, pain, and unhappiness are self-PRODUCED.  Several of these I think really accelerate the process. 

Think about the past and wishing that it were different is A WASTE OF TIME.  The past is the past, we should reflect on it, learn from it, and NEVER make the mistakes again.  When past events resurface in your life, it simply means you did not learn the lesson the first time. 

Complaining with no action is just annoying.  We a right to complain, but we do not have the right to complain when we are unwilling to change our perspective about something and/or do something about it. 

Perceptual procrastination really GETS YOU INTO TROUBLE.  What is even worse is when you expect that someone will always be there to SAVE YOU.  Drowning in the results of procrastination should make you change.  Unfortunately, many love to drown and/or are addicted to it. 

Focusing on your dislikes...Why would you do that?  You have already known for A LONG TIME that you do not like something.  Try focusing on what you do like.....  you will be amazed how your outlook on life will change.  


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