
Showing posts from April, 2013

Pure Path to Self-Destruction: Don't Do It!

8 Ways You’re Driving Yourself Crazy : Practical Tips for Productive Living After reading this article on Marc and Angel Hack Life, I thought this is definitely a list that will lead to a person's self-destruction.  Most discomfort, pain, and unhappiness are self-PRODUCED.  Several of these I think really accelerate the process.  Think about the past and wishing that it were different   is A WASTE OF TIME.  The past is the past, we should reflect on it, learn from it, and NEVER make the mistakes again.  When past events resurface in your life, it simply means you did not learn the lesson the first time.  Complaining with no action is just annoying .  We a right to complain, but we do not have the right to complain when we are unwilling to change our perspective about something and/or do something about it.  Perceptual procrastination   really GETS YOU INTO TROUBLE.  What is even worse is when you e...

Embrace Your Inner Beauty

Our inner beauty is all that matters in life.  If we do not cherish and nurture our true selves, we sentence ourselves to an unhappy life.  This video embodies how we have a distorted image of outer selves, which affect our inner beauty.  Over the past four decade, I have learned that when we progressively let our inner beauty shine outwards everything falls into place.  I learned that it is pointless to compare yourself with another because we were all born with special gifts and beauty to share with the world if we first accept that we are BEAUTIFUL. 

Stop Bashing: Teachers Matter

Fahad Hassan: A Message to Americans: Let's Increase Teacher Value Another NO-BRAINER!  Teachers, educators, mentors, professors, or whatever you want to call us MATTER.  It is because of a teacher at every level of my educational life, in conjunction with have great parents, that I do what I do.  I own my success in life to them and would not be where I am today without their guidance.  We spend so much time BASHING teachers when we need to realize when they said, "it takes a village to raise a child.”  -They MEANT IT.  Education is a cycle and when one or more team players are not on the same page, the student suffers; and as a result, society suffers as well. 

Don't Forget These Life Lessons

8 Things You Can’t Learn in a Classroom In the above article, the author provides readers with eight great life lessons that are often learned outside of the classroom. After reading the list two lessons stood out for me personally and have been running themes throughout my life. They include:  Actually staying positive when times get tough. Although this is touch for many it is a must if you want to survive tough times. When we stay positive during life's most difficult challenges we actually give our body a boost that protects us from the effects of stress. Otherwise, when we succumb to negativity, we actually accelerate the likelihood that we will get sick and depressed as a result of the tough time.  The reality of death and the beauty of life. Death will come and we must accept this fact. As we get older, death knocks on our door more than we like and with each death of a love one we are reminded of our own mortality. 

Is Your Mindset Soaring or Drowning?

7 Traits of a Highly Effective Mindset As I read the above article, I see the POWER of choosing to have an effective mindset versus a defective one.  When your mindset is effective, you feel powerful and inspired.  Although stress is a reality of life, a person who possesses an effective mindset will bounce back quickly from life's adversities.  A defective mindset will lead to a person becoming stuck a vicious cycle of negativity and failure to move forward.  Most importantly, as the article mentions a person with an effective mindset remains positive, yet realistic and always sees life's challenges as an opportunity for personal growth.