
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Rise of the Toilet Texter - Yahoo! Finance

The Rise of the Toilet Texter - Yahoo! Finance Umm! 75% do it! I have got to admit I do not use a cell to text and/or talk in a PUBLIC bathroom but will do so in private home. The germ factor is unsettling for me. Not that many people clean their cell phones so using it while engaging in one or more of the natural ways a body eliminates. You could put yourself at risk for getting something you do not want to have. Even though most was their hands before exiting a public bathroom, your cell has not been. So you are carrying the very germs with you as your leave. I say save it for the home where you have more control over the germs you will encounter, otherwise, you may make yourself sick or someone else. Here is another article to support this theory:

Blogs vs. Term Papers -

B logs vs. Term Papers - NYTimes .com Very Interesting and something to consider. The use of blog instead of a term paper could get help to get student serious about using technology appropriately, for a real purpose, and provide a place where students can dialogue about a central theme. Personally, I am in the middle on this issue. I think both have a place in school and can help students to think creatively. The only concerns I have with blogs is that students will need specific guidelines on what should be written in their blog, how it proper grammar and spelling still counts, and that they need to address the question posed to them as well as add additional information.

Mom Says Mentally Impaired Tot Heartlessly Denied Transplant - Yahoo!

Mom Says Mentally Impaired Tot Heartlessly Denied Transplant - Yahoo! This is a tough one but after reading two comments: one from a parent who child did not receive a transplant and the other from someone who works on transplant teams I have a clearer understanding of the situation-both sides. Plus, my mother was a transplant recipient and waited almost a decade for a transplant. The kidney ultimately failed and she died a little over a decade of receiving her transplant and died as a result of a condition that ultimately contributed to her kidney failure. Life is extremely fragile and for this situation there are not good answers. Either way someone loses in this case. I will say that there could have been better judgement in how things were said to the mother. Just doing that could have helped the mother understand.

What’s So Great About Schools in Finland? | MindShift

What’s So Great About Schools in Finland? | MindShift We could learn something. I love this statement: ALL ADMINISTRATORS HAVE WORKED AS TEACHERS. It's good to know that one country understands the importance of this fact. Finland REALLY values teachers and understands that when we tape in their leadership capacities great things happen.

Sophia Pasquarella
