
Showing posts from November, 2011

No Regrets

I do not regret one moment of my life. Lillie Langtry Read more: Absolutely true because every good, bad, and in-between experience has influenced who you are and who you will become. Without all three we cannot truly appreciate life. All too often we spend countless hours re-living experiences we wished we could change. Doing so only causes us grief and the appreciation of these events line the "road to happiness and success". So don't sweat it, reflect, and move on!

Is Being a Loner a Good Thing? Just finished Party of One by Anneli Rufus and found it to be a very interesting read. As a person who falls somewhere between a nonloner and loner, I could appreciate the definitions and depictions of what being a loner truly is. All to often we limited to something that is negative, not realizing that many of us desire to have a little loner in us. The debunks many theories of who are typically loners (mentally ill, serial killers, gunman, etc.) and provides those who choose to live a full or partial loner life style anthem of strength and acceptance. I could appreciated how the book talked what happens when we conform to general thoughts that go against who we truly: misery versus happiness. So for all who like myself enjoy being social during the day and having there solitary peace as well, this book is for you. So the next time someone ask you don't you want to get married, have a baby, get a roomate, etc.; simply know that you are making

Reviews of We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel by Lionel Shriver (ISBN:1582432678) | weRead

Reviews of We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel by Lionel Shriver (ISBN:1582432678) | weRead Just finished this one after many months of trying to read. I must say it a powerful book that makes you wonder where the true evil lies or whether it even exist. The question you have to answer was the son evil from the start or was it the sense of evil in the mother that lead to that fateful day. I say it is a combination of both-a sad thought at that. Either way if you read it will get you thinking, which is the whole point of reading anyway!

Two Years of Kindergarten? What a beautiful thought! All too often children who turn 5 between September 1 and December 1 are left in preschool. Ultimately they end up becoming bored mid-year which leads to frustration. This can lead the endless cycle of boredom-frustration-behavioral problem, etc. Maybe this will be come national trend and trend in PA as well. Cherie

Cash for Grades!

h ttp:// What's wrong with this picture? What ever happened to old fashion intrinsic motivation. Getting good grades is something any student should strive to do regardless of whether or not their is an award. Giving teachers cash for the very same thing is troubling as well.

Keyboarding in Kindergarten???? Thank you, Rae for writing this one!!!! I agree-NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO! Little Kindergarteners DO NOT have the attention span nor is it necessary to have them learn how to type aka keyboard in Kindergarten. When they are a mature age, they can learn keyboarding skills fairly well over time and with practice. Can someone please stop the madness of pushing everything down to the age where children should be learning how to socialize, problem solve, cope with their emotions and the emotions of others! Skills that many students are lacking today because they did not PLAY enough!!! Thank God I was a child during the 70's and 80's!