
Showing posts from 2017

Moving Beyond Our Limits: What I learned from John C. Maxwell's No Limits Book

Recently I had the pleasure of reading John C. Maxwell's Book, " No Limits: Blow the Cap Off Your Capacity ." If I were rich, I would buy a copy for every student I teach and/or mentor for the rest of my life. His latest book is that powerful. His book is broken into three main sections: Awareness, Ability, and Choices. All three are essential to our ability to reach our capacity and move beyond it. Often the daily stress of life leads us to believe that many things we desire to achieve are not achievable. Most are, and the difficult ones often can be made when we see beyond what we think or have been told is our capacity. John C. Maxwell's book looks at our current obtained capabilities into seven distinct capabilities: energy, emotional, thinking, people, creative, production, and leadership. Here are few things that stood out for me in this section of the book: The concept of the Triple R's: Requirement, Return, and Reward  "Dysfunctional people w...

Your Silence Is Like....... (Are You in Hibernation or Are You a Storm Chaser?)

Probably for at least the past two years I have a notice a trend: many who I thought would have spoken against injustice, hate, and inequality have fell silent. It appears that they are engaging in a self induced hibernation where they will lie until the storm has passed. The avoidance of discussion and advocation of what is right is deafening. Even worse, you make me feel dismissed and like my voice and the voices of thousands like me do not matter.  On the flip side, I know many "Storm Chasers". These storm chasers truly care about injustice, hate, and inequality and its reflective in their willful participation in trying to find out how to improve this in their four corners of the world. Never do I feel dismissed with you and I feel that my true self is always welcome. Although we many not always agree, we understand that this is the natural process of things.  As I reflect on how I have been feeling over the years, I hope that I never fall into hibernation and s...