
Showing posts from February, 2012

for the love of learning: Discipline is Distracting

for the love of learning: Discipline is Distracting : To focus on discipline is to ignore the real problem: We will never be able to get students (or anyone else) to be in good order if, day af... The author of the blog truly provides us an example of why discipline often FAILS us. I agree with his assertion of focusing on what we want versus producing compliance by allow students or adults to become intrinsically motivated to engage in interesting. He basically summed it up very: carrot and stick discipline simply does not work. Although it initially work it will fade with time and often end in a revolt.

50 Cent Helps U.N. in Africa: Is Rapper’s ‘Next Chapter’ a Mid-Life Crisis? - ABC News

50 Cent Helps U.N. in Africa: Is Rapper’s ‘Next Chapter’ a Mid-Life Crisis? - ABC News No. It's call growing up, realizing that God has given you a second chance to use your gifts wisely. Looks like is beginning to do so. It like he said-it about creating a legacy, one you want to be remembered by. In addition, this is a valuable lesson in redemption and paying it forward. Although our past always follows us, we can always change and become an positive influence on others. Bravo Curtis!

21 Ways to Kill Creativity | The Creativity Post

21 Ways to Kill Creativity | The Creativity Post Resist the temptation to engage in these types of behaviors. Sometimes we have to be unpredictable to move to the next level. Creativity is need is we want to change and/or be consider innovative.

Pa. vending machine dispenses 'morning-after' pill - Yahoo! News

Pa. vending machine dispenses 'morning-after' pill - Yahoo! News I am liberal but this is a bit much. Remember if you can get pregnant you can also get a STD. In addition, what happens to the student who takes the MA pills and develops complication and doesn't know what to do. I get why they want them at a college but it does nothing to correct the students behavior, excluding a student who would use this if they were raped. Yes it prevents people who are not ready from becoming a parent, but what happens when they become a repeat user? Also, what if the student has complications and has failed to read the potential side affects? My personal believe when comes to pills that prevent pregnancy, whether its BPs or MAPs it best to get after you have consulted with your doctor. Otherwise, you may be sorry.

Are You Being Born–or Busy Dying? | Serve to Lead® | James Strock

Are You Being Born–or Busy Dying? | Serve to Lead® | James Strock Powerful post. Interesting topic of being born vs. busy dying. Although we begin dying the day we are born, during our lifetime we can be born again into something. It is like looking at the difference between stagnant water and the ocean. Although both can be murky at times, the ocean is ever changing. Stagnant water becomes a place where many birds loathe to be. Have ever seen Canadian geese abandon their favorite watering whole. Yet, the ocean is a place that most living thing will take a dip in. Much rather live a life where I am being born every few years or decades, then to be that person whose perpetually dying because they have opted out of life.